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Call for Abstracts

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Dear All, 


As many of you know, the VI Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (VI BRISPE, will be a fully virtual meeting. The 6th edition was postponed to Oct 28-29, 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, five virtual sessions were held as warm-up activities for the full meeting and focused on open science and research integrity issues related to COVID-19 research.


The program has been adapted to the fully virtual format and will be available soon, by Oct 19. Meanwhile, please, check the list of confirmed speakers,


The VI BRISPE program will now include an Early Career Researcher (ECR) Forum on open science, authorship, and research culture. The ECR Forum session will feature 3-min oral presentations with a 3-min time for a question, on Day 1 and Day 2 will take 2 hours, from 2 to 4 pm, Rio time (BRT/GMT-3), Each session will be moderated by three co-chairs.


Accepted abstracts [150-200 words] exploring the following topics will be included in the Forum and in the Proceedings of the VI BRISPE:

[Research and Education Section]

Abstracts directly or indirectly related to the theme of the Forum are welcome and may encompass issues related to research integrity questions emerging from the open science movement, including those related to authorship, to data sharing in different research fields, different research systems and institutions, and to research assessment. Works addressing interactions among research integrity, open science, research culture, and peer review and/or reliability in quantitative and qualitative research, correction of the literature, mentoring, and communicating science to peers and to the public, including insights into this topic in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, are also welcome.


[Science Policy Section]

For this section, abstracts on the following focal issues are of interest to the VI BRISPE (other topics, including those related to science policy and COVID-19 pandemic, may be considered by the committee): research and decision-making by funders and national initiatives to foster responsible research in an open science environment.


For an accepted work to be included in the Forum, at least one of the authors must be registered. Submit your abstract for the 3-min oral presentation in the Forum here,


Deadline for submission of abstracts in English or Portuguese: October 18, 2021


Registration is free and will open on Oct 20, 2021.


Sonia Vasconcelos (IBqM/UFRJ) & Carmen Penido (FIOCRUZ), Co-Chairs; Carla Bonan (PUCRS) & Edson Watanabe (COPPE/UFRJ), Program Committee Co-Chairs, on behalf of the Organizing Committee

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